Friday, August 30, 2019

To change SQL Server Collation

When the master, model, msdb, and tempdb system databases are rebuilt, the databases are dropped and re-created in their original location. If a new collation is specified in the rebuild statement, the system databases are created using that collation setting. Any user modifications to these databases are lost. For example, you may have user-defined objects in the master database, scheduled jobs in msdb, or changes to the default database settings in the model database.

Perform the following tasks before you rebuild the system databases to ensure that you can restore the system databases to their current settings.

1.        Record all server-wide configuration values.

SELECT * FROM sys.configurations;

2.        Record all service packs and hotfixes applied to the instance of SQL Server and the current collation. You must reapply these updates after rebuilding the system databases.


SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion ') AS ProductVersion,

SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') AS ProductLevel,

SERVERPROPERTY('ResourceVersion') AS ResourceVersion,

SERVERPROPERTY('ResourceLastUpdateDateTime') AS ResourceLastUpdateDateTime,

SERVERPROPERTY('Collation') AS Collation;

3.        Record the current location of all data and log files for the system databases. Rebuilding the system databases installs all system databases to their original location. If you have moved system database data or log files to a different location, you must move the files again.

SELECT name, physical_name AS current_file_location

FROM sys.master_files

WHERE database_id IN (DB_ID('master'), DB_ID('model'), DB_ID('msdb'), DB_ID('tempdb'));

4.        Locate the current backup of the master, model, and msdb databases.

5.        If the instance of SQL Server is configured as a replication Distributor, locate the current backup of the distribution database.

6.        Ensure you have appropriate permissions to rebuild the system databases. To perform this operation, you must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. For more information, see Server-Level Roles.

7.        Verify that copies of the master, model, msdb data and log template files exist on the local server. The default location for the template files is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn\Templates. These files are used during the rebuild process and must be present for Setup to succeed. If they are missing, run the Repair feature of Setup, or manually copy the files from your installation media. To locate the files on the installation media, navigate to the appropriate platform directory (x86, x64, or ia64) and then navigate to setup\sql_engine_core_inst_msi\Pfiles\SqlServr\MSSQL.X\MSSQL\Binn\Templates.

8.        Script out all the jobs on the server.

9.        Check the database maintenance plan and make sure that you have noted down the schedules for each step in the maintenance plan.

10.    Export all the SSIS packages to the file system.

11.    Check whether any mail profiles are present and copy the details of each profile to a table on one of the user databases.

12.    Script out the logins on server and prepare a list that contains the permissions provided for each login.

13.    Stop the replication agent if you have replication set up. Use the table sysarticles to get the list of objects that are being replicated only if you chose to use GUI to create replication.

14.    Detach all user defined databases using below script.


Rebuilding the System Databases

The following procedure rebuilds the master, model, msdb, and tempdb system databases. You cannot specify the system databases to be rebuilt. For clustered instances, this procedure must be performed on the active node and the SQL Server resource in the corresponding cluster application group must be taken offline before performing the procedure.

This procedure does not rebuild the resource database.

To rebuild system databases for an instance of SQL Server:

1.        Insert the SQL Server 2008 R2 installation media into the disk drive.

2.        From a command prompt window, enter the following command. Square brackets are used to indicate optional parameters. Do not enter the brackets. When using the Windows Vista operating system with User Account Control (UAC) enabled, running Setup requires elevated privileges. The command prompt must be run as Administrator.




3.        When Setup has completed rebuilding the system databases, it returns to the command prompt with no messages. Examine the Summary.txt log file to verify that the process completed successfully. This file is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Logs.

Post Rebuild Task

After rebuilding the database you may need to perform the following additional tasks:

  • Restore your most recent full backups of the master, model, and msdb databases.
  • Attach all the user databases
  • Recreate the linked servers and logins. Check for orphaned users using the command
  • Create all the mail profiles (tailor the script given in step6 and use it).
  •  Import the SSIS packages to the SQL Server from the file system.
  •  Recreate all the jobs.
  •  Create the maintenance plan using schedules.
  • Setup replication.
  • Create logins.

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